In [1]:
# Dataframe manipulation libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats # to detect outliers

# Graph Libraries
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns # for visualiation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import data_prep as dp

from numpy.random import seed
from numpy.random import randn
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.metrics import median_absolute_error
from sklearn.metrics import explained_variance_score
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
from xgboost import plot_importance
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

# Load data
features_train = pd.read_csv('./data/dengue_features_train.csv')
labels_train = pd.read_csv('./data/dengue_labels_train.csv')
features_test = pd.read_csv('./data/dengue_features_test.csv')

Predicting Dengue

Zoshua Colah, Arsalan Ahmed

Hi, welcome to our Modelling Dengue Notebook. We are two rookie undergraduate students at the University of Washington in an introductory ML class applying Machine Learning models to predict Dengue in San Juan & Iquitos as part of the Driven Data Challenge.

Our notebook is extremely long due to the amount of EDA we did and the number of datasets we created and tested with various Machine Learning models.

To help you navigate this document better, we recommend taking a look at our Table of Contents:*

1. Setup & Importing Data

1. Rolling Averages - New Features Added 

2. San Juan

0. Data Preperation
1. Understanding our Data
2. Missing Values
3. Exploratory Data Analysis
4. Outlier Engineering

3. Iquitos

0. Data Preperation
1. Understanding our Data
2. Missing Values
3. Exploratory Data Analysis
4. Outlier Engineering   

4. Machine Learning Models

1. KNN
2. XG Boost
3. Random Forest
4. Decision Tree

5. Comparision

Setup & Importing Data & Understanding Column Names

We have created a separate file to help us easily generate our datasets without any clutter. We have introduced the following new columns as part of the feature generation process:

  1. Rolling Averages for all climate and vegetation features (read discussion below)
  2. Month: the month number

Rolling Averages

There can be a lot of fluctuation in our variables which can cause bias in our model. To help reduce the bias we have introduced Rolling Averages to help provide a better understanding of the overall current scenario.

We have added rolling average columns for all the climate variables and vegetation indexes

A simple rolling average (also called a moving average, if you wanted to know) is the unweighted mean of the last n values. In simple words: An average of the last n values in a data set, applied row-by-row, so that you get a series of average

One year has 52 weeks on average. Initially we decided to take n as 52 because of this.

However after running a for loop to find the week with the least MOE and best fit, we found that n as 50 would be better. Hence n is 50.

Please refer to our supplement files to see this.

Missingness of our Data

We have followed the following steps

  1. Take a sample of our data
  2. Check for total number of missing values in each column
  3. Percentage of data missing from our dataframe

Below we can see the count of missing values for each city and visualize where exactly do we have missing values for each column.

Source of Inspiration for the Visualization

San Juan

In [2]:
df_sj = features_train[features_train['city'] == 'sj']
missing_values_count = df_sj.isnull().sum()
city                                       0
year                                       0
weekofyear                                 0
week_start_date                            0
ndvi_ne                                  191
ndvi_nw                                   49
ndvi_se                                   19
ndvi_sw                                   19
precipitation_amt_mm                       9
reanalysis_air_temp_k                      6
reanalysis_avg_temp_k                      6
reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k                6
reanalysis_max_air_temp_k                  6
reanalysis_min_air_temp_k                  6
reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2            6
reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent       6
reanalysis_sat_precip_amt_mm               9
reanalysis_specific_humidity_g_per_kg      6
reanalysis_tdtr_k                          6
station_avg_temp_c                         6
station_diur_temp_rng_c                    6
station_max_temp_c                         6
station_min_temp_c                         6
station_precip_mm                          6
dtype: int64

From the visualization below we notice that the vegetation index column for the north east has a lot of missing values

In [3]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,8))
sns.heatmap(df_sj.isnull().reset_index(drop=True),ax=ax, cbar = False, yticklabels = 50)

plt.ylabel("Row number", size = 22)
plt.xlabel("Feature name", size = 22)
plt.title("San Juan Missing Data", size = 32)
Text(0.5,1,'San Juan Missing Data')


In [4]:
df_iq = features_train[features_train['city'] == 'iq']
missing_values_count = df_iq.isnull().sum()
city                                      0
year                                      0
weekofyear                                0
week_start_date                           0
ndvi_ne                                   3
ndvi_nw                                   3
ndvi_se                                   3
ndvi_sw                                   3
precipitation_amt_mm                      4
reanalysis_air_temp_k                     4
reanalysis_avg_temp_k                     4
reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k               4
reanalysis_max_air_temp_k                 4
reanalysis_min_air_temp_k                 4
reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2           4
reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent      4
reanalysis_sat_precip_amt_mm              4
reanalysis_specific_humidity_g_per_kg     4
reanalysis_tdtr_k                         4
station_avg_temp_c                       37
station_diur_temp_rng_c                  37
station_max_temp_c                       14
station_min_temp_c                        8
station_precip_mm                        16
dtype: int64

We can notice that there are missing values for particular short intervals of time for Iquitos

In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,8))
sns.heatmap(df_iq.isnull().reset_index(drop=True),ax=ax, cbar = False, yticklabels = 50)

plt.ylabel("Row number", size = 22)
plt.xlabel("Feature name", size = 22)
plt.title("Iquitos Missing Data", size = 32)
Text(0.5,1,'Iquitos Missing Data')

How did we handle missing values?

We handled missing values by using Forward Fill.

Take a peak at the Training Data

We do not look at testing data before model validation ever as it influences our decision making when making models.

In [6]:
print("Training Features")
Training Features
city year weekofyear week_start_date ndvi_ne ndvi_nw ndvi_se ndvi_sw precipitation_amt_mm reanalysis_air_temp_k ... reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2 reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent reanalysis_sat_precip_amt_mm reanalysis_specific_humidity_g_per_kg reanalysis_tdtr_k station_avg_temp_c station_diur_temp_rng_c station_max_temp_c station_min_temp_c station_precip_mm
1420 iq 2009 43 2009-10-22 0.2968 0.308486 0.362300 0.361657 82.59 298.855714 ... 67.4 90.657143 82.59 18.661429 8.571429 27.733333 12.200000 35.3 21.0 137.1
441 sj 1998 43 1998-10-22 0.0213 0.085000 0.196967 0.196200 32.09 300.247143 ... 36.5 82.038571 32.09 18.410000 2.128571 28.157143 6.928571 33.9 23.9 26.7
415 sj 1998 17 1998-04-23 0.0671 0.091367 0.144486 0.147957 22.22 297.735714 ... 24.3 77.712857 22.22 15.014286 2.157143 25.600000 5.857143 29.4 21.7 73.4

3 rows × 24 columns

In [7]:
print("Training Labels")
Training Labels
city year weekofyear total_cases
510 sj 2000 7 7
867 sj 2007 1 10
361 sj 1997 15 11

General Column Names & Data Types

City and Date Indicators

  • city – City abbreviations: sj for San Juan and iq for Iquitos
  • year - Year
  • weekofyear - Week Number
  • dayofyear - Day of Year Number
  • month - Month Number of the Year
  • week_start_date – Date given in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • total_cases - Total Cases for that week
  • previous_week_cases - Total Cases in the previous week
  • odd_year - Whether year is odd or not

Satellite vegetation - Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) - NOAA's CDR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (0.5x0.5 degree scale) measurements

  • ndvi_ne – Pixel northeast of city centroid
  • ndvi_nw – Pixel northwest of city centroid
  • ndvi_se – Pixel southeast of city centroid
  • ndvi_sw – Pixel southwest of city centroid

PERSIANN satellite precipitation measurements (0.25x0.25 degree scale)

  • precipitation_amt_mm – Total precipitation

NOAA's NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis measurements (0.5x0.5 degree scale)

  • reanalysis_sat_precip_amt_mm – Total precipitation
  • reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k – Mean dew point temperature
  • reanalysis_air_temp_k – Mean air temperature
  • reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent – Mean relative humidity
  • reanalysis_specific_humidity_g_per_kg – Mean specific humidity
  • reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2 – Total precipitation
  • reanalysis_max_air_temp_k – Maximum air temperature
  • reanalysis_min_air_temp_k – Minimum air temperature
  • reanalysis_avg_temp_k – Average air temperature
  • reanalysis_tdtr_k – Diurnal temperature range

NOAA's GHCN daily climate data weather station measurements

  • station_max_temp_c – Maximum temperature
  • station_min_temp_c – Minimum temperature
  • station_avg_temp_c – Average temperature
  • station_precip_mm – Total precipitation
  • station_diur_temp_rng_c – Diurnal temperature range

Note: to avoid clutter we have not put the column names for our rolling average columns

San Juan

In [8]:
data_sj = dp.features_train(features_train, labels_train, 'sj')
data_sj_n = dp.normalize(data_sj)
data_test_sj = dp.features_test(features_test, features_train, 'sj')
data_test_sj_n = dp.normalize(data_test_sj)
In [9]:
Index(['city', 'year', 'weekofyear', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month',
       'odd_year', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg',
       'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg', 'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg', 'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg'],

Understanding our Data

Peek at San Juan Data

Displaying the first 5 rows

Note: We have added Day of the Year and Odd Year and Month as as additional columns

In [10]:
city year weekofyear week_start_date ndvi_ne ndvi_nw ndvi_se ndvi_sw precipitation_amt_mm reanalysis_air_temp_k ... reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2_rolling_avg reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent_rolling_avg reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg station_precip_mm_rolling_avg
50 sj 1991 16 1991-04-16 0.077400 0.102400 0.163550 0.206167 44.57 297.284286 ... 301.140 297.034 34.8350 79.155286 2.347714 26.902857 7.331429 31.860 22.086 21.854
51 sj 1991 17 1991-04-23 0.077400 0.188450 0.188314 0.224943 32.72 298.074286 ... 301.114 297.040 34.8702 79.176857 2.346286 26.899143 7.364286 31.882 22.076 21.752
52 sj 1991 18 1991-04-30 0.209167 0.160575 0.176171 0.176171 0.00 298.831429 ... 301.124 297.036 34.5158 79.123000 2.356286 26.911143 7.388857 31.882 22.076 20.980
53 sj 1991 19 1991-05-07 0.115950 0.180175 0.106386 0.111186 35.38 298.638571 ... 301.114 297.040 34.6498 79.107086 2.356000 26.900286 7.392000 31.850 22.066 21.704
54 sj 1991 20 1991-05-14 0.115950 0.104550 0.151150 0.096400 4.16 298.325714 ... 301.078 297.022 35.1132 79.099229 2.345714 26.852000 7.336286 31.762 22.044 22.244

5 rows × 45 columns

Summary for San Juan Data

Key Insights:

1. Total Cases: Mean: 34.212834 Standard Dev: 51.399375

2. Average Temperature: Mean: 299.273178 Standard Dev: 1.219425

3. Precipitation in mm: Mean: 35.340973 Standard Dev: 44.672851

4. Humidity per kg: Mean: 16.550246 Standard Dev: 1.559292

In [11]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
year 886.0 1999.308126 4.934472 1991.000000 1995.000000 1999.000000 2004.000000 2008.000000
weekofyear 886.0 26.480813 15.013259 1.000000 14.000000 26.000000 39.000000 53.000000
ndvi_ne 886.0 0.051028 0.102386 -0.406250 0.001740 0.051825 0.104300 0.493400
ndvi_nw 886.0 0.059181 0.086382 -0.456100 0.013637 0.063958 0.105910 0.422900
ndvi_se 886.0 0.174379 0.057095 -0.015533 0.135600 0.174998 0.209536 0.393129
ndvi_sw 886.0 0.163999 0.055124 -0.063457 0.127368 0.165314 0.198318 0.381420
precipitation_amt_mm 886.0 35.505632 44.926028 0.000000 0.000000 20.860000 52.557500 390.600000
reanalysis_air_temp_k 886.0 299.174070 1.239851 295.938571 298.206071 299.254286 300.148214 302.200000
reanalysis_avg_temp_k 886.0 299.286448 1.223895 296.114286 298.328571 299.378571 300.235714 302.164286
reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k 886.0 295.113696 1.565015 289.642857 293.885000 295.451429 296.415714 297.795714
reanalysis_max_air_temp_k 886.0 301.406433 1.262127 297.800000 300.425000 301.500000 302.400000 304.300000
reanalysis_min_air_temp_k 886.0 297.312867 1.288898 292.600000 296.300000 297.500000 298.400000 299.900000
reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2 886.0 30.139537 35.075494 0.000000 10.500000 20.700000 37.000000 570.500000
reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent 886.0 78.537296 3.358534 66.735714 76.214286 78.632857 80.912500 87.575714
reanalysis_tdtr_k 886.0 2.523396 0.501501 1.357143 2.157143 2.457143 2.800000 4.428571
station_avg_temp_c 886.0 27.004708 1.415040 22.842857 25.842857 27.214286 28.171429 30.071429
station_diur_temp_rng_c 886.0 6.721961 0.822567 4.528571 6.185714 6.742857 7.253571 9.914286
station_max_temp_c 886.0 31.582167 1.717921 26.700000 30.600000 31.700000 32.800000 35.600000
station_min_temp_c 886.0 22.623928 1.490222 17.800000 21.700000 22.800000 23.900000 25.600000
station_precip_mm 886.0 27.037359 29.686567 0.000000 6.925000 17.850000 35.825000 305.900000
total_cases 886.0 34.770880 52.603328 0.000000 9.000000 19.000000 37.000000 461.000000
month 886.0 6.413093 3.450834 1.000000 4.000000 6.000000 9.000000 12.000000
ndvi_mean 886.0 0.112147 0.053678 -0.092565 0.078298 0.108214 0.141736 0.342338
ndvi_mean_rolling_avg 886.0 0.115907 0.026916 0.071922 0.089763 0.121081 0.131671 0.197023
ndvi_ne_rolling_avg 886.0 0.057172 0.049868 -0.042738 0.019387 0.055100 0.094606 0.177200
ndvi_nw_rolling_avg 886.0 0.065999 0.050388 -0.014226 0.012985 0.070067 0.102663 0.197877
ndvi_se_rolling_avg 886.0 0.175246 0.015392 0.144019 0.163090 0.173559 0.187102 0.209051
ndvi_sw_rolling_avg 886.0 0.165212 0.013830 0.136402 0.154761 0.163960 0.175985 0.204213
precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg 886.0 35.524514 7.353901 17.331600 30.587200 35.451700 41.420200 50.001000
reanalysis_air_temp_k_rolling_avg 886.0 299.163491 0.392223 298.517657 298.807943 299.166143 299.462000 299.935343
reanalysis_avg_temp_k_rolling_avg 886.0 299.277186 0.393867 298.636143 298.932321 299.268571 299.559107 300.077714
reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k_rolling_avg 886.0 295.120660 0.304288 294.366914 294.884007 295.144014 295.328329 295.837057
reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg 886.0 301.401984 0.413498 300.686000 301.032000 301.370000 301.756000 302.226000
reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg 886.0 297.306108 0.317801 296.760000 297.009000 297.279000 297.589000 297.910000
reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2_rolling_avg 886.0 30.421307 7.558366 16.958400 24.981350 29.096900 34.656700 48.340200
reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent_rolling_avg 886.0 78.620778 1.103141 75.686343 77.882693 78.630000 79.527429 80.716971
reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg 886.0 2.516519 0.207171 2.189714 2.341786 2.448143 2.699000 2.936857
station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg 886.0 27.011856 0.267859 26.292000 26.838286 27.030429 27.228429 27.472571
station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg 886.0 6.758192 0.326031 6.083429 6.503357 6.703143 6.961000 7.481143
station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg 886.0 31.613230 0.465189 30.390000 31.288000 31.616000 31.969500 32.632000
station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg 886.0 22.602619 0.209389 22.022000 22.462000 22.620000 22.752000 23.050000
station_precip_mm_rolling_avg 886.0 26.883235 5.290813 15.932000 22.852000 26.710000 30.355000 40.576000

Looking for outliers in our Data

From the plot below we notice that there are outliers in total cases for the past so many years between 90 and 500 cases

In [12]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a150f3080>

Looking at the plot below, we can most of data points are lying bottom left side but there are points which are far from the population like top left & bottom right corner.

This also indicates that higher rainfall does not necessarrily lead to higher total number of cases for the week

In [13]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
ax.set_xlabel('Precipitation in mm')
ax.set_ylabel('Total Cases for the week')

We will handle our outliers after exploring our data further. This is so that we get a better understanding of the domain before we remove or reset outliers.

Below is the same scatter plot with each dot colored by month

In [14]:
# Use the 'hue' argument to provide a factor variable
sns.lmplot( x="precipitation_amt_mm", y="total_cases", data=data_sj, fit_reg=False, 
           hue='month', legend=False, palette="Set2")
# Move the legend to an empty part of the plot
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1a1525fb00>

Below is a scatter plot with each dot colored by month

In [15]:
# Use the 'hue' argument to provide a factor variable
sns.lmplot( x="precipitation_amt_mm", y="total_cases", data=data_sj, fit_reg=False, 
           hue='year', legend=False)
# Move the legend to an empty part of the plot
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1a1522d828>

Below is a bar chart showing the average number of cases in each week for each year. We notice that the average for the years 94 and 98 are extremely high this may be due to outliers for these years. We will get to see this in the EDA.

In [16]:
weekly_avg_sj = pd.DataFrame(data_sj.groupby(['year'])['total_cases'].mean().reset_index(name='avg_weekly_cases'))
sns.barplot(x='year', y='avg_weekly_cases', data=weekly_avg_sj)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a152c1b00>

Exploring our Data

Our first step in exploring the data was to see Dengue changed with time. The reason we decided on this was to see how Dengue changed with time and if there was any seasonality.

As Alex Freemain points out in his EDA on Github, the spikes in the time-series are obvious outbreaks. It will be important to predict these outbreaks for health reasons and hence predicting just the general cyclic trend of Dengue will not be enough.

Below we will notice that the number of visualizations for each week are not consitent and vary with depending on the time of year. This can be a seasonlity trend as we will also notice that the rainfall received changes with time, during which the mosquitoes come out, bite and spread dengue.

In [17]:
data_sj.plot(x='week_start_date', y='total_cases', figsize = (15,5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a09710c88>

Facet Scatter Plot of Total Cases each week in San Juan

Exploring the total number of cases (y) in each week for each year(x)

  • There appears to be a significant change in the total number of cases during the latter half of the weeks of the year.

While the facet scatter plot has helped us identify the change, it will help to map this out through a simple wide scatter plot for San Juan

In [18]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_sj, col="weekofyear",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "year", "total_cases", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Simplified Scatter Chart of Total Cases by each week in San Juan

Key Insights:

  • In San Juan, for weeks 25 - 50, we can see there are outliers where the numbers of cases is larger than the normal amount of cases. This can be due to an outbreak in the city on different occassions.
In [19]:
g = sns.lmplot(x="weekofyear", y="total_cases", hue="city", col="city", data=data_sj, aspect= 2, size = 7, x_jitter=.1)

Facet Chart of Total Number of Cases (y) for each month(x) by Year

In [20]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_sj, col="year",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "month", "total_cases", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Facet Chart of Total Cases for each year

In [21]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_sj, col="year",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "weekofyear", "total_cases", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Facet Chart of Temperature (y) for each week (x) by Year

Key Insight: We notice that the temperature range for all years lies between 296 K and 302 K

In [22]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_sj, col="year",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "weekofyear", "reanalysis_avg_temp_k", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Precipitation (y) for each week(x) by Year

In [23]:
g = sns.lmplot(x="weekofyear", y="precipitation_amt_mm", hue="city", col="city", data=data_sj, aspect= 2, size = 7, x_jitter=.1)

Plotting Change in Total Dengue Cases & Precipitation by Week

Dengue Cases

Key Insights:

  • In San Juan, year over year we can see an increase in the total cases starting Week 24, which rollsover to Week 11 in the next year
In [24]:
sns.factorplot(x="weekofyear", y="total_cases", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=data_sj)
plt.title("Growth of Dengue with Time - Weekly Breakdown for all years in San Juan")
Text(0.5,1,'Growth of Dengue with Time - Weekly Breakdown for all years in San Juan')


Key Insights from both charts below:

  • On average San Juan receives heavy rainfall from week 14 to week 47
In [25]:
sns.factorplot(x="weekofyear", y="precipitation_amt_mm", hue="city", size=6, aspect=4,data=data_sj)
plt.title("Precipitation Change with Time - Weekly Breakdown - for all years in San Juan ")
Text(0.5,1,'Precipitation Change with Time - Weekly Breakdown - for all years in San Juan ')

Correlation Heat Map

In [26]:
plt.title('Correlation matrix')
sns.heatmap(df_sj.corr(), cmap="YlGnBu", annot = True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a18fc9c88>

As mentioned in the Benchmark file by Driven Data:

Many of the temperature data are strongly correlated, which is expected. But the total_cases variable doesn't have many obvious strong correlations. Interestingly, total_cases seems to only have weak correlations with other variables. Many of the climate variables are much more strongly correlated. Interestingly, the vegetation index also only has weak correlation with other variables. These correlations may give us some hints as to how to improve our model.

Correlation for Dengue Cases

The graphs below represent correlation of the dependent variable 'Dengue Cases' with the environmental and climate variables in San Juan. We checked the correlation between the given variables with the percent dengue cases each week with respect to year. Using weekly dengue cases percentage values we standardized the data resulting in better correlation with the variables. Since the region and climate of two cities is different, we can see there is a significant difference in the correlation behavior of our variables among two cities.

In [27]:
#Code to generate correlation graphs below for the two cities
corr_sj = data_sj.corr(method='pearson')
corr_sj = corr_sj['total_cases'].to_frame(name = 'corr_with_cases_sj')
corr_sj = corr_sj.sort_values(by=['corr_with_cases_sj'])
corr_sj = (corr_sj.drop('total_cases')
corr_sj.plot(kind='barh', title='Dengue Correlation - San Juan, Puerto Rico', xlim=(-.40,.30), grid = True, legend = False, color = '#4B7ACC', figsize=(12,12))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a15c672e8>

A few observations as mentioned in the benchmark file

The wetter the better

The correlation strengths differ for each city, but it looks like reanalysis_specific_humidity_g_per_kg and reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k are the most strongly correlated with total_cases. This makes sense: we know mosquitos thrive wet climates, the wetter the better!

Hot and heavy

As we all know, "cold and humid" is not a thing. So it's not surprising that as minimum temperatures, maximum temperatures, and average temperatures rise, the total_cases of dengue fever tend to rise as well.

Sometimes it rains, so what

Interestingly, the precipitation measurements bear little to no correlation to total_cases, despite strong correlations to the humidity measurements, as evident by the heatmaps above.

  • reanalysis_specific_humidity_g_per_kg
  • reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k
  • station_avg_temp_c
  • station_min_temp_c

Outlier Engineering for San Juan

As we noticed earlier there are outliers in our dataset. Let us see how many outliers we have. However after testing our model we have seen that it will as we will not be able to predict the outbreaks. This is why we will not remove them.

In [28]:
data = data_sj['total_cases']
# calculate summary statistics
data_mean, data_std = mean(data), std(data)
# identify outliers
cut_off = data_std * 3
lower, upper = data_mean - cut_off, data_mean + cut_off
# identify outliers
outliers = [x for x in data if x < lower or x > upper]
print('Identified outliers: %d' % len(outliers))
# remove outliers
outliers_removed = [x for x in data if x >= lower and x <= upper]
print('Non-outlier observations: %d' % len(outliers_removed))
Identified outliers: 19
Non-outlier observations: 867

From above we notice that we have 20 outliers (outside of 3 S.D. for total cases in San Juan) and we have 916 non-outlier observations for total cases

In [29]:
city year weekofyear week_start_date ndvi_ne ndvi_nw ndvi_se ndvi_sw precipitation_amt_mm reanalysis_air_temp_k ... reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2_rolling_avg reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent_rolling_avg reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg station_precip_mm_rolling_avg
50 sj 1991 16 1991-04-16 0.077400 0.102400 0.163550 0.206167 44.57 297.284286 ... 301.140 297.034 34.8350 79.155286 2.347714 26.902857 7.331429 31.860 22.086 21.854
51 sj 1991 17 1991-04-23 0.077400 0.188450 0.188314 0.224943 32.72 298.074286 ... 301.114 297.040 34.8702 79.176857 2.346286 26.899143 7.364286 31.882 22.076 21.752
52 sj 1991 18 1991-04-30 0.209167 0.160575 0.176171 0.176171 0.00 298.831429 ... 301.124 297.036 34.5158 79.123000 2.356286 26.911143 7.388857 31.882 22.076 20.980
53 sj 1991 19 1991-05-07 0.115950 0.180175 0.106386 0.111186 35.38 298.638571 ... 301.114 297.040 34.6498 79.107086 2.356000 26.900286 7.392000 31.850 22.066 21.704

4 rows × 45 columns


In [30]:
# Iquitos
data_iq = dp.features_train(features_train, labels_train, 'iq')
data_iq_n = dp.normalize(data_iq)
data_test_iq = dp.features_test(features_test, features_train, 'iq')
data_test_iq_n = dp.normalize(data_test_iq)

Understanding our Data

Peek at Iquitos Data

Displaying the first 5 rows

Note: We have added Day of the Year and Odd Year and Month as as additional columns

In [31]:
city year weekofyear week_start_date ndvi_ne ndvi_nw ndvi_se ndvi_sw precipitation_amt_mm reanalysis_air_temp_k ... reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2_rolling_avg reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent_rolling_avg reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg station_precip_mm_rolling_avg
50 iq 2001 25 2001-06-18 0.104100 0.108243 0.059657 0.113757 53.93 296.000000 ... 307.610 292.272 46.7536 84.624486 10.185143 27.113110 11.223867 33.964 20.418 46.730
51 iq 2001 26 2001-06-25 0.192300 0.275286 0.316457 0.325414 1.22 294.845714 ... 307.600 292.218 45.8700 84.339314 10.225714 27.103110 11.193533 33.930 20.344 46.238
52 iq 2001 27 2001-07-02 0.229083 0.193267 0.270457 0.242186 52.10 295.795714 ... 307.610 292.192 45.0466 84.119486 10.249143 27.097110 11.191533 33.934 20.330 46.878
53 iq 2001 28 2001-07-09 0.359717 0.311057 0.264986 0.438843 39.09 295.808571 ... 307.682 292.226 44.9014 84.141257 10.260857 27.128776 11.199867 33.974 20.426 46.724
54 iq 2001 29 2001-07-16 0.319500 0.205086 0.194743 0.361633 52.05 297.555714 ... 307.700 292.218 44.6254 84.062943 10.299429 27.132110 11.171600 33.964 20.464 47.380

5 rows × 45 columns

Summary for Iquitos Data

In [32]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
year 470.0 2005.480851 2.643465 2001.000000 2003.000000 2005.000000 2008.000000 2010.000000
weekofyear 470.0 26.555319 15.045918 1.000000 14.000000 26.500000 39.750000 53.000000
ndvi_ne 470.0 0.263711 0.082528 0.061729 0.199636 0.263171 0.320396 0.508357
ndvi_nw 470.0 0.239630 0.076005 0.058950 0.181312 0.233886 0.291632 0.454429
ndvi_se 470.0 0.247751 0.077269 0.029880 0.192704 0.245593 0.298043 0.538314
ndvi_sw 470.0 0.267684 0.087281 0.064743 0.202536 0.262493 0.325507 0.546017
precipitation_amt_mm 470.0 64.678915 35.520757 0.000000 39.122500 60.490000 85.892500 210.830000
reanalysis_air_temp_k 470.0 297.874556 1.115203 294.635714 297.144286 297.840000 298.621429 301.175714
reanalysis_avg_temp_k 470.0 299.134316 1.280958 294.892857 298.242857 299.157143 300.105357 302.928571
reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k 470.0 295.599456 1.382201 290.088571 294.763214 295.960714 296.593571 298.450000
reanalysis_max_air_temp_k 470.0 307.004681 2.303825 300.000000 305.200000 306.950000 308.600000 314.000000
reanalysis_min_air_temp_k 470.0 292.939149 1.676426 286.900000 292.000000 293.200000 294.275000 296.000000
reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2 470.0 58.680085 49.587288 0.000000 26.300000 47.305000 70.697500 362.030000
reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent 470.0 89.087781 7.085957 64.658571 84.832857 91.210714 94.616429 98.610000
reanalysis_tdtr_k 470.0 9.084985 2.361020 3.714286 7.371429 8.907143 10.857143 16.028571
station_avg_temp_c 470.0 27.548163 0.920630 21.400000 27.000000 27.636667 28.100000 30.800000
station_diur_temp_rng_c 470.0 10.399840 1.580170 5.200000 9.216667 10.400000 11.575000 15.800000
station_max_temp_c 470.0 33.968511 1.376295 30.100000 33.100000 33.900000 35.000000 42.200000
station_min_temp_c 470.0 21.294255 1.237315 16.400000 20.800000 21.400000 22.100000 24.200000
station_precip_mm 470.0 63.175957 64.888176 0.000000 17.000000 44.000000 87.300000 543.300000
total_cases 470.0 8.355319 11.033353 0.000000 2.000000 5.000000 10.000000 116.000000
month 470.0 6.417021 3.447524 1.000000 4.000000 6.000000 9.000000 12.000000
ndvi_mean 470.0 0.254694 0.073466 0.084155 0.200473 0.252136 0.306343 0.503982
ndvi_mean_rolling_avg 470.0 0.254757 0.007212 0.236173 0.249090 0.254929 0.260581 0.270875
ndvi_ne_rolling_avg 470.0 0.264432 0.012296 0.236632 0.255223 0.263546 0.273210 0.292845
ndvi_nw_rolling_avg 470.0 0.239183 0.008237 0.219585 0.233835 0.239351 0.244207 0.258752
ndvi_se_rolling_avg 470.0 0.248357 0.010846 0.224243 0.240548 0.245682 0.256783 0.274119
ndvi_sw_rolling_avg 470.0 0.267057 0.010683 0.247221 0.259292 0.263630 0.274751 0.298811
precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg 470.0 65.075334 4.825460 55.332600 61.067100 65.256200 68.555750 77.229400
reanalysis_air_temp_k_rolling_avg 470.0 297.828192 0.233296 297.431000 297.661843 297.773386 297.966936 298.491400
reanalysis_avg_temp_k_rolling_avg 470.0 299.084070 0.254839 298.609286 298.887036 299.038000 299.272464 299.804286
reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k_rolling_avg 470.0 295.513967 0.369938 294.367971 295.326607 295.522300 295.706071 296.371714
reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg 470.0 306.972136 0.441428 306.020000 306.686000 306.975000 307.331000 307.834000
reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg 470.0 292.872174 0.336433 292.192000 292.634000 292.849000 293.038500 293.804000
reanalysis_precip_amt_kg_per_m2_rolling_avg 470.0 57.189437 8.397619 44.586000 49.963000 57.032300 62.624400 78.562600
reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent_rolling_avg 470.0 88.905583 1.769299 83.941857 87.859807 88.975429 90.132086 92.238257
reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg 470.0 9.119981 0.490505 8.050286 8.883500 9.207857 9.443714 10.299429
station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg 470.0 27.516075 0.205202 27.097110 27.371100 27.506167 27.658133 28.007733
station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg 470.0 10.423599 0.556245 9.238300 10.031967 10.315867 11.029217 11.488133
station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg 470.0 33.939579 0.402596 32.830000 33.716500 33.961000 34.137000 34.824000
station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg 470.0 21.245689 0.375061 20.330000 21.050500 21.304000 21.502500 21.988000
station_precip_mm_rolling_avg 470.0 64.128596 16.988350 31.106000 47.849500 72.687000 78.151500 88.664000

Looking for outliers in our Data

From the plot below we notice that there are outliers in total cases for the past so many years between 90 and 500 cases

In [33]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a15de7160>

Looking at the plot below, we can most of data points are lying bottom left side but there are points which are far from the population like top left & bottom right corner.

This also indicates that higher rainfall does not necessarrily lead to higher total number of cases for the week

In [34]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
ax.set_xlabel('Precipitation in mm')
ax.set_ylabel('Total Cases for the week')

We will handle our outliers after exploring our data further. This is so that we get a better understanding of the domain before we remove or reset outliers.

Below is the same scatter plot with each dot colored by month

In [35]:
# Use the 'hue' argument to provide a factor variable
sns.lmplot( x="precipitation_amt_mm", y="total_cases", data=data_iq, fit_reg=False, 
           hue='month', legend=False, palette="Set2")
# Move the legend to an empty part of the plot
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1a163eccc0>
In [36]:
# Use the 'hue' argument to provide a factor variable
sns.lmplot( x="precipitation_amt_mm", y="total_cases", data=data_iq, fit_reg=False, 
           hue='year', legend=False)
# Move the legend to an empty part of the plot
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1a1a263be0>

Below is a bar chart showing the average number of cases in each week for each year. We notice that the average for the year 2003 is really low.

In [37]:
weekly_avg_sj = pd.DataFrame(data_iq.groupby(['year'])['total_cases'].mean().reset_index(name='avg_weekly_cases'))
sns.barplot(x='year', y='avg_weekly_cases', data=weekly_avg_sj)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a18fe3b38>

Exploring our Data

Total Number of Cases with time

We notice that there has been an outbreak on some occassions with a sudden drop in weekly cases for some years.

In [38]:
data_iq.plot(x='week_start_date', y='total_cases', figsize = (15,5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a178cec88>

Facet Scatter Plot of Total Cases in Each Week for each Year

In [39]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_iq, col="weekofyear",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "year", "total_cases", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Total Cases by Week in Iquitos

In [40]:
g = sns.lmplot(x="weekofyear", y="total_cases", hue="city", col="city", data=data_sj, aspect= 2, size = 7, x_jitter=.1)

Facet Grid of total cases in each month for each year

In [41]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_iq, col="year",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "month", "total_cases", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Facet Grid of total cases in each week for each year

In [42]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_iq, col="year",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "weekofyear", "total_cases", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Facet Grid of Temperature in each year

In [43]:
sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted")
g = sns.FacetGrid(data_iq, col="year",  hue="city", col_wrap=5, size=4)
g = (, "weekofyear", "reanalysis_avg_temp_k", edgecolor="w").add_legend())

Precipitation in each week of year

In [44]:
g = sns.lmplot(x="weekofyear", y="precipitation_amt_mm", hue="city", col="city", data=data_iq, aspect= 2, size = 7, x_jitter=.1)

Average Growth of Dengue by Week Number

In [45]:
sns.factorplot(x="weekofyear", y="total_cases", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=data_iq)
plt.title("Growth of Dengue with Time - Weekly Breakdown for all years in Iquitos")
Text(0.5,1,'Growth of Dengue with Time - Weekly Breakdown for all years in Iquitos')

Average Growth of Dengue by Month Number

From the graphs below we notice that total number of dengue cases decreases as the total amount of precipitation decreases.

In [46]:
sns.factorplot(x="month", y="total_cases", hue="city", size=8, aspect=2,data=data_iq)
plt.title("Growth of Dengue with Time - Weekly Breakdown for all years in Iquitos")
Text(0.5,1,'Growth of Dengue with Time - Weekly Breakdown for all years in Iquitos')

Average Precipitation by Week Number

In [47]:
sns.factorplot(x="weekofyear", y="precipitation_amt_mm", hue="city", size=6, aspect=3,data=data_iq)
plt.title("Precipitation Change with Time - Weekly Breakdown - for all years in Iquitos ")
Text(0.5,1,'Precipitation Change with Time - Weekly Breakdown - for all years in Iquitos ')
In [48]:
sns.factorplot(x="month", y="precipitation_amt_mm", hue="city", size=6, aspect=3,data=data_iq)
plt.title("Precipitation Change with Time - Weekly Breakdown - for all years in Iquitos ")
Text(0.5,1,'Precipitation Change with Time - Weekly Breakdown - for all years in Iquitos ')

Correlation Heat Map

In [49]:
plt.title('Correlation matrix')
sns.heatmap(df_iq.corr(), cmap="YlGnBu", annot = True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1787e2b0>

Correlation for Dengue Cases

In [50]:
#Code to generate correlation graphs below for the two cities
corr_iq = data_iq.corr(method='pearson')
corr_iq = corr_iq['total_cases'].to_frame(name = 'corr_with_cases_sj')
corr_iq = corr_iq.sort_values(by=['corr_with_cases_sj'])
corr_iq = (corr_iq.drop('total_cases')
corr_sj.plot(kind='barh', title='Dengue Correlation - Iquitos', xlim=(-.40,.30), grid = True, legend = False, color = '#4B7ACC', figsize=(12,12))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a17c3cc88>
In [51]:
data = data_iq['total_cases']
# calculate summary statistics
data_mean, data_std = mean(data), std(data)
# identify outliers
cut_off = data_std * 3
lower, upper = data_mean - cut_off, data_mean + cut_off
# identify outliers
outliers = [x for x in data if x < lower or x > upper]
print('Identified outliers: %d' % len(outliers))
# remove outliers
outliers_removed = [x for x in data if x >= lower and x <= upper]
print('Non-outlier observations: %d' % len(outliers_removed))
Identified outliers: 7
Non-outlier observations: 463

Machine Learning Models

We will be testing our models with to see which give us the least margin of error and fit perfectly.

Since we are predicting a continuous valued attribute associated with an object we will need to use Regression Machine Learning models from scikit learn.

As part of our modelling process, we did:

  1. Feature Importance Weighting
  2. Dimensionality Reduction
  3. Updated our Features
  4. Using Grid Search & Cross Validation we:
    1. Predicted Outcomes and
    2. Printed Mean Absolute Error
  5. Graphed out the Predicted vs Actual

For each machine learning model, we will mention:

  1. How it works?
  2. Why we used it?

At the end of this discussion we will shift to selecting the best model via a comparision visualization collection & then add our concluding thoughts.

K Nearest Neighbor

In K Nearest Neighbor, the target is predicted by local interpolation of the targets associated of the nearest neighbors in the training set.

We decided to use KNN, because it is an extremely recommended algorithm for large sets of time series data.

KNN San Juan

Splitting Training and Test Data

In [52]:
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Features Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [53]:
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(ExtraTreesRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_sj)

    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        data_sj[data_sj_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    knr_reg = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 5, weights = 'distance')
    knr_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, knr_preds_sj))
Features: 1 , MAE: 28.133492726958103
Features: 2 , MAE: 22.84540706961099
Features: 3 , MAE: 14.30017510839078
Features: 4 , MAE: 11.772795633589688
Features: 5 , MAE: 12.647825755173752
Features: 6 , MAE: 10.76387359938594
Features: 7 , MAE: 10.176684182946284
Features: 8 , MAE: 25.13937824772532
Features: 9 , MAE: 10.526887460232915
Features: 10 , MAE: 12.151059814442695
Features: 11 , MAE: 18.819214361059434
Features: 12 , MAE: 8.771012704420215
Features: 13 , MAE: 8.768842420700706
Features: 14 , MAE: 13.32234142553923
Features: 15 , MAE: 17.91224213123566
Features: 16 , MAE: 10.084586249925463
Features: 17 , MAE: 16.060444440961188
Features: 18 , MAE: 18.06244747050495
Features: 19 , MAE: 11.930888712527462

Extra Tree Regressor

In [54]:
model = ExtraTreesRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature' : [], 'Importance' : []})
for i in range(1,10):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,10):, train_outcomes_sj)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_sj_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1f63a630>

Update Train/Test Data

In [55]:
# San Juan
# ['month','reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k', 'station_avg_temp_c', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k']
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation

Margin of Error

In [56]:
params = {'n_neighbors':range(2, 30), 'weights':['uniform', 'distance']}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(KNeighborsRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
knr_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
knr_mae_sj = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, knr_preds_sj)
knr_mdae_sj = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, knr_preds_sj)
knr_evs_sj = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_sj, knr_preds_sj)

Optimal Number of Neighbors

In [57]:
{'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'distance'}

Actual Versus Predicted Scatter Plot

In [58]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (San Juan, Puerto Rico)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_sj, knr_preds_sj, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 400], [0, 400], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a162f2a58>]

Final KNN Model

In [59]:
knr_preds_final_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(
In [60]:
submission_sj = data_test_sj[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_sj['total_cases'] = np.round(knr_preds_final_sj).astype(int)


In [61]:
knn_preds_week_sj = pd.DataFrame(test_features_sj)
knn_preds_week_sj['Actual'] = test_outcomes_sj.values
knn_preds_week_sj['Predicted'] = knr_preds_sj
knn_preds_week_sj = pd.merge(data_sj, knn_preds_week_sj, left_index = True, right_index = True)
knn_preds_week_sj = knn_preds_week_sj.assign(residual=knn_preds_week_sj.Actual - knn_preds_week_sj.Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=knn_preds_week_sj)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [62]:
knn_preds_week_sj = knn_preds_week_sj.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month_x',
       'odd_year_x', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg_x', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg_x',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg', 'month_y', 'odd_year_y',
       'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg_y', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg_y',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_y', 'residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=knn_preds_week_sj, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

KNN Iquitos

Train/Test Split

In [63]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Features Selection

In [64]:
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(ExtraTreesRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_iq)

    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        data_iq[data_iq_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    knr_reg = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 5, weights = 'distance')
    knr_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, knr_preds_iq))
Features: 1 , MAE: 7.964772438692862
Features: 2 , MAE: 7.526215023243125
Features: 3 , MAE: 7.422715296960007
Features: 4 , MAE: 6.064308336813999
Features: 5 , MAE: 4.811517233273174
Features: 6 , MAE: 5.325051274918283
Features: 7 , MAE: 5.29844015182675
Features: 8 , MAE: 7.715616600943205
Features: 9 , MAE: 6.176772876340359
Features: 10 , MAE: 5.937164597906182
Features: 11 , MAE: 4.802713410286034
Features: 12 , MAE: 5.425498143588204
Features: 13 , MAE: 6.139650879307358
Features: 14 , MAE: 6.381115757576928
Features: 15 , MAE: 5.071503159448216
Features: 16 , MAE: 5.304012695361466
Features: 17 , MAE: 5.4596383656008
Features: 18 , MAE: 6.031018838052589
Features: 19 , MAE: 5.492852883086299
In [65]:
model = ExtraTreesRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature' : [], 'Importance' : []})
for i in range(1,10):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,10):, train_outcomes_iq)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_iq_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, color = '#9b0a0a', figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a20881b00>

Update Train/Test Data

In [66]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation

Mean Absolute Error

In [67]:
params = {'n_neighbors':range(2, 10), 'weights':['uniform', 'distance']}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(KNeighborsRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
knr_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
knr_mae_iq = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, knr_preds_iq)
knr_mdae_iq = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, knr_preds_iq)
knr_evs_iq = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_iq, knr_preds_iq)

Optimal Number of Neighbors

In [68]:
{'n_neighbors': 2, 'weights': 'distance'}

Actual vs Predicted Iquitos Scatter Plot

In [69]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (Iquitos, Peru)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_iq, knr_preds_iq, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 80], [0, 80], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a15eba940>]

Final KNN Model for IQ

In [70]:
knr_preds_final_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(

submission_iq = data_test_iq[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()


In [71]:
knn_preds_week_iq = pd.DataFrame(test_features_iq)
knn_preds_week_iq['Actual'] = test_outcomes_iq.values
knn_preds_week_iq['Predicted'] = knr_preds_iq
knn_preds_week_iq = pd.merge(data_iq, knn_preds_week_iq, left_index = True, right_index = True)
knn_preds_week_iq = knn_preds_week_iq.assign(residual=knn_preds_week_iq.Actual - knn_preds_week_iq.Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=knn_preds_week_iq)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [72]:
knn_preds_week_iq = knn_preds_week_iq.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k_x', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month_x',
       'odd_year_x', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_x', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg_x', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg_x', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg', 'reanalysis_avg_temp_k_y', 'month_y',
       'odd_year_y', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_y', 'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg_y',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_y','residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=knn_preds_week_iq, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

KNN Submission to Driven Data - Best Score (19.4543)

In [73]:
frames = [submission_sj, submission_iq]
submission = pd.concat(frames)
submission.to_csv('knn_best.csv', index = False)
/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=True'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass sort=False


Xtreme Gradient Boosting

XGBoost is an implementation of gradient boosted decision trees designed for speed and performance that is dominative competitive machine learning.

We used it as it minimises the error of Normal Decision Trees as the implementation of XGBoost offers several advanced features for model tuning, computing environments and algorithm enhancement.

Xtreme Gradient Boosting for San Juan

Training and Test Data

In [74]:
# Testing & Training Data
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Feature Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [75]:
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(XGBRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_sj)

    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        data_sj[data_sj_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    xgb_reg = XGBRegressor(n_estimators = 1000, learning_rate = 0.03, max_depth = 10, subsample = 0.8, colsample_bytree = 0.701)
    xgb_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, xgb_preds_sj))
Features: 1 , MAE: 33.83979257291421
Features: 2 , MAE: 24.348538034168403
Features: 3 , MAE: 22.326293131462613
Features: 4 , MAE: 16.813920373307134
Features: 5 , MAE: 8.373529181444555
Features: 6 , MAE: 11.650297846112933
Features: 7 , MAE: 10.419811341099273
Features: 8 , MAE: 10.488946499905191
Features: 9 , MAE: 9.157661781275182
Features: 10 , MAE: 10.850977557046074
Features: 11 , MAE: 9.745062968784705
Features: 12 , MAE: 11.008426702560339
Features: 13 , MAE: 9.928849299599353
Features: 14 , MAE: 8.76913256842391
Features: 15 , MAE: 7.686975049793272
Features: 16 , MAE: 8.015233431543622
Features: 17 , MAE: 11.015054046211386
Features: 18 , MAE: 9.846770652702876
Features: 19 , MAE: 9.838708419548837

XG Regressor Feature Importance

In [76]:
model = XGBRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(1,10):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,10):, train_outcomes_sj)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_sj_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1f510ac8>

Update Features

In [77]:
# San Juan
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation & Mean Absolute Error

In [78]:
params = {'n_estimators':[1000], 'learning_rate':[0.03], 'max_depth':[10], 'subsample':[0.8], 'colsample_bytree':[0.701]}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(XGBRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
xgb_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
xgb_mae_sj = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, xgb_preds_sj)
xgb_mdae_sj = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, xgb_preds_sj)
xgb_evs_sj = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_sj, xgb_preds_sj)

Actual vs Predicted San Juan XG Boost Scatter Plot

In [79]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (Iquitos, Peru)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_sj, xgb_preds_sj, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 400], [0, 400], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a1f39de48>]


In [80]:
xgb_preds_week_sj = pd.DataFrame(test_features_sj)
xgb_preds_week_sj['Actual'] = test_outcomes_sj.values
xgb_preds_week_sj['Predicted'] = xgb_preds_sj
xgb_preds_week_sj = pd.merge(data_sj, xgb_preds_week_sj, left_index = True, right_index = True)
plot_d = xgb_preds_week_sj.assign(residual=xgb_preds_week_sj.Actual - xgb_preds_week_sj .Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=plot_d)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [81]:
plot_d = plot_d.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear_x', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month',
       'odd_year', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg_x',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg_x',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg_x', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg_y',
       'weekofyear_y', 'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg_y',
       'reanalysis_air_temp_k_rolling_avg_y', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg_y', 'residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=plot_d, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')
In [82]:
xgb_preds_final_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(
In [83]:
submission_sj = data_test_sj[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_sj['total_cases'] = np.round(xgb_preds_final_sj).astype(int)

Iquitos XG Boost

Training & Test Data

In [84]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Feature Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [85]:
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(XGBRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_iq)

    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        data_iq[data_iq_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    xgb_reg = XGBRegressor(n_estimators = 1000, learning_rate = 0.03, max_depth = 10, subsample = 0.8, colsample_bytree = 0.701)
    xgb_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, xgb_preds_iq))
Features: 1 , MAE: 7.890125819554566
Features: 2 , MAE: 8.34331096465706
Features: 3 , MAE: 6.853985346800892
Features: 4 , MAE: 6.214191829693233
Features: 5 , MAE: 4.1573253379645925
Features: 6 , MAE: 4.001100015132986
Features: 7 , MAE: 4.153278014761336
Features: 8 , MAE: 4.923468457680222
Features: 9 , MAE: 5.069420959932584
Features: 10 , MAE: 3.7384204093023397
Features: 11 , MAE: 5.08000807157645
Features: 12 , MAE: 4.098495045029525
Features: 13 , MAE: 4.398846993420986
Features: 14 , MAE: 3.1934838455619543
Features: 15 , MAE: 4.212454951189934
Features: 16 , MAE: 4.798559705839089
Features: 17 , MAE: 3.9568794137197183
Features: 18 , MAE: 4.087353930828419
Features: 19 , MAE: 4.943526355721426

XG Boost Regressor Feature Importance Graph

In [86]:
model = XGBRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(1,10):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,10):, train_outcomes_iq)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_iq_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a20b3e2b0>

Updating Features

In [87]:
# ['month','odd_year','reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k', 'station_avg_temp_c', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k']
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation & Margin of Error

In [88]:
params = {'n_estimators':[1000], 'learning_rate':[0.03], 'max_depth':[10], 'subsample':[0.8], 'colsample_bytree':[0.701]}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(XGBRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
xgb_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
xgb_mae_iq = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, xgb_preds_iq)
xgb_mdae_iq = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, xgb_preds_iq)
xgb_evs_iq = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_iq, xgb_preds_iq)

Predicted vs Actual

In [89]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (Iquitos, Peru)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_iq, xgb_preds_iq, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 80], [0, 80], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a20c8b470>]


In [90]:
xgb_preds_week_iq = pd.DataFrame(test_features_iq)
xgb_preds_week_iq['Actual'] = test_outcomes_iq.values
xgb_preds_week_iq['Predicted'] = xgb_preds_iq
xgb_preds_week_iq = pd.merge(data_sj, xgb_preds_week_iq, left_index = True, right_index = True)
plot_d = xgb_preds_week_iq.assign(residual=xgb_preds_week_iq.Actual - xgb_preds_week_iq .Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=plot_d)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [91]:
plot_d = plot_d.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear_x', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month',
       'odd_year', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg_x', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_x',
       'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_x', 'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg',
       'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg_x',
       'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_y',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg_y', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_y', 'weekofyear_y',
       'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg_y','residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=plot_d, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

Final Model

In [92]:
xgb_preds_final_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(


In [93]:
submission_iq = data_test_iq[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_iq['total_cases'] = np.round(xgb_preds_final_iq).astype(int)
In [94]:
frames = [submission_sj, submission_iq]
submission = pd.concat(frames)
submission.to_csv('xgb.csv', index = False)

Decision Tree Regressor

After reading this article we were inspired to try using decision trees.

We wanted to see if using a simple version of decision trees gave us a lesser mean absolute error and validate the idea of using XG Boost. Hence we used it.

San Juan Decision Tree Regressor

Training and Test Dataset

In [95]:
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Feature Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [96]:
for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(DecisionTreeRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_sj)

    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        data_sj[data_sj_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    dt_reg = DecisionTreeRegressor()
    dt_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, dt_preds_sj))
Features: 1 , MAE: 34.425689223057645
Features: 2 , MAE: 19.909774436090224
Features: 3 , MAE: 18.60902255639098
Features: 4 , MAE: 15.736842105263158
Features: 5 , MAE: 17.898496240601503
Features: 6 , MAE: 12.015037593984962
Features: 7 , MAE: 12.428571428571429
Features: 8 , MAE: 14.424812030075188
Features: 9 , MAE: 11.680451127819548
Features: 10 , MAE: 13.575187969924812
Features: 11 , MAE: 13.063909774436091
Features: 12 , MAE: 12.849624060150376
Features: 13 , MAE: 11.345864661654135
Features: 14 , MAE: 12.06766917293233
Features: 15 , MAE: 11.81578947368421
Features: 16 , MAE: 10.545112781954888
Features: 17 , MAE: 14.342105263157896
Features: 18 , MAE: 13.827067669172932
Features: 19 , MAE: 12.274436090225564

Feature Importance

In [97]:
model = DecisionTreeRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature' : [], 'Importance' : []})
for i in range(1,20):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,20):, train_outcomes_sj)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_sj_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a22ed8940>

Updating Features

In [98]:
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation & Mean Absolute Error

In [99]:
params = {'max_depth':range(5, 30)}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(DecisionTreeRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
dt_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
dt_mae_sj = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, dt_preds_sj)
dt_mdae_sj = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, dt_preds_sj)
dt_evs_sj = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_sj, dt_preds_sj)

Actual vs Predicted San Juan Decision Tree Scatter Plot

In [100]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (San Juan, Puerto Rico)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_sj, dt_preds_sj, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 400], [0, 400], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a2349d4e0>]


In [101]:
dt_preds_week_sj = pd.DataFrame(test_features_sj)
dt_preds_week_sj['Actual'] = test_outcomes_sj.values
dt_preds_week_sj['Predicted'] = dt_preds_sj
dt_preds_week_sj = pd.merge(data_sj, dt_preds_week_sj, left_index = True, right_index = True)
plot_d = dt_preds_week_sj.assign(residual=dt_preds_week_sj.Actual - dt_preds_week_sj .Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=plot_d)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [102]:
plot_d = plot_d.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear_x', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month',
       'odd_year', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_x', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg', 'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg_x',
       'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg_y', 'weekofyear_y',
       'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_y','residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=plot_d, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

Final Model

In [103]:
dt_preds_final_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(


In [104]:
submission_sj = data_test_sj[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_sj['total_cases'] = np.round(dt_preds_final_sj).astype(int)

Decision Tree Iquitos

In [105]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Feature Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [106]:
for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(DecisionTreeRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_iq)

    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        data_iq[data_iq_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    dt_reg = DecisionTreeRegressor()
    dt_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, dt_preds_iq))
Features: 1 , MAE: 9.624113475177305
Features: 2 , MAE: 7.00709219858156
Features: 3 , MAE: 7.98581560283688
Features: 4 , MAE: 5.368794326241135
Features: 5 , MAE: 4.98581560283688
Features: 6 , MAE: 5.51063829787234
Features: 7 , MAE: 5.453900709219858
Features: 8 , MAE: 5.319148936170213
Features: 9 , MAE: 4.574468085106383
Features: 10 , MAE: 5.3546099290780145
Features: 11 , MAE: 7.056737588652482
Features: 12 , MAE: 4.581560283687943
Features: 13 , MAE: 6.872340425531915
Features: 14 , MAE: 5.24113475177305
Features: 15 , MAE: 4.581560283687943
Features: 16 , MAE: 4.595744680851064
Features: 17 , MAE: 5.3546099290780145
Features: 18 , MAE: 5.070921985815603
Features: 19 , MAE: 6.425531914893617

Feature Importance

In [107]:
model = DecisionTreeRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature' : [], 'Importance' : []})
for i in range(1,20):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,20):, train_outcomes_iq)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_iq_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - Iquitos', grid = True, legend = False, figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a245b70b8>

Updating Features

In [108]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation & Margin of Error

In [109]:
params = {'n_estimators':range(5, 30)}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(RandomForestRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
dt_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
dt_mae_iq = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, dt_preds_iq)
dt_mdae_iq = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, dt_preds_iq)
dt_evs_iq = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_iq, dt_preds_iq)

Actual vs Predicted Cases for Iquitos Decision Tree

In [111]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (Iquitos, Peru)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_iq, dt_preds_iq, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 80], [0, 80], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a25525860>]


In [112]:
dt_preds_week_iq = pd.DataFrame(test_features_iq)
dt_preds_week_iq['Actual'] = test_outcomes_iq.values
dt_preds_week_iq['Predicted'] = dt_preds_iq
dt_preds_week_iq = pd.merge(data_iq, dt_preds_week_iq, left_index = True, right_index = True)
plot_d = dt_preds_week_iq.assign(residual=dt_preds_week_iq.Actual - dt_preds_week_iq .Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=plot_d)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [113]:
plot_d = plot_d.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear_x', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month',
       'odd_year_x', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_x',
       'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg_x',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_y',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k_rolling_avg_y', 'weekofyear_y',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg_y', 'odd_year_y',
       'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg_y','residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=plot_d, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

Final Model

In [114]:
dt_preds_final_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(


In [115]:
submission_iq = data_test_iq[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_iq['total_cases'] = np.round(dt_preds_final_iq).astype(int)
In [116]:
frames = [submission_sj, submission_iq]
submission = pd.concat(frames)
submission.to_csv('randomforest.csv', index = False)

Random Forest Regression

This article helped introduce us to how random forest regression is used for time series forecasting. Since our task is forecasting the total cases we decided to trying using random forest due to it's advantages over a simple decision tree.

San Juan Random Forest Regression

Training and Test Data Split

In [117]:
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Feature Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [118]:
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(RandomForestRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_sj)

    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        data_sj[data_sj_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    rf_reg = RandomForestRegressor()
    rf_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, rf_preds_sj))
Features: 1 , MAE: 32.35543561284163
Features: 2 , MAE: 21.851879699248123
Features: 3 , MAE: 14.106766917293234
Features: 4 , MAE: 12.383082706766915
Features: 5 , MAE: 9.141729323308272
Features: 6 , MAE: 10.824436090225564
Features: 7 , MAE: 12.757518796992482
Features: 8 , MAE: 12.078571428571427
Features: 9 , MAE: 9.234586466165412
Features: 10 , MAE: 10.472556390977445
Features: 11 , MAE: 11.655639097744363
Features: 12 , MAE: 12.851503759398497
Features: 13 , MAE: 9.752255639097744
Features: 14 , MAE: 11.826315789473686
Features: 15 , MAE: 10.12218045112782
Features: 16 , MAE: 12.781954887218046
Features: 17 , MAE: 11.501127819548874
Features: 18 , MAE: 12.01654135338346
Features: 19 , MAE: 11.009398496240602

Random Forest Feature Importance

In [119]:
model = RandomForestRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature' : [], 'Importance' : []})
for i in range(1,10):
    train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,10):, train_outcomes_sj)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_sj_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a25567940>

Updating Features

In [120]:
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation & Mean Absolute Error

In [121]:
params = {'n_estimators':range(5, 30)}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(RandomForestRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
rf_preds_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
rf_mae_sj = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, rf_preds_sj)
rf_mdae_sj = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, rf_preds_sj)
rf_evs_sj = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_sj, rf_preds_sj)

Actual vs Predicted San Juan Random Forest Scatter Plot

In [122]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (San Juan, Puerto Rico)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_sj, rf_preds_sj, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 400], [0, 400], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a26f19ac8>]


In [123]:
rf_preds_week_sj = pd.DataFrame(test_features_sj)
rf_preds_week_sj['Actual'] = test_outcomes_sj.values
rf_preds_week_sj['Predicted'] = rf_preds_sj
rf_preds_week_sj = pd.merge(data_sj, rf_preds_week_sj, left_index = True, right_index = True)
plot_d = rf_preds_week_sj.assign(residual=rf_preds_week_sj.Actual - rf_preds_week_sj .Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=plot_d)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [124]:
plot_d = plot_d.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month_x',
       'odd_year', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg_x', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_x', 'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_diur_temp_rng_c_rolling_avg', 'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg', 'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k_rolling_avg_y', 'month_y',
       'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_y','residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=plot_d, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

Final Model

In [125]:
rf_preds_final_sj =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(

Submission for San Juan

In [126]:
submission_sj = data_test_sj[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_sj['total_cases'] = np.round(rf_preds_final_sj).astype(int)

Iquitos Random Forest Regression

Training and Test Data

In [127]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Feature Selection

Recursive Feature Elimination

In [128]:
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

for n in range(1,20,1):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3

    rfe = RFE(RandomForestRegressor(), n)
    fit =, test_outcomes_iq)

    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        data_iq[data_iq_n.columns[fit.ranking_ == 1]],
        test_size = 0.3

    rf_reg = RandomForestRegressor()
    rf_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
    print('Features:', n, ', MAE:', mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, rf_preds_iq))
Features: 1 , MAE: 7.2444444444444445
Features: 2 , MAE: 7.494326241134754
Features: 3 , MAE: 4.5113475177304965
Features: 4 , MAE: 5.922695035460992
Features: 5 , MAE: 4.235460992907802
Features: 6 , MAE: 4.300709219858156
Features: 7 , MAE: 4.180141843971631
Features: 8 , MAE: 4.411347517730497
Features: 9 , MAE: 4.428368794326241
Features: 10 , MAE: 5.15531914893617
Features: 11 , MAE: 4.278723404255318
Features: 12 , MAE: 4.150354609929077
Features: 13 , MAE: 4.182978723404255
Features: 14 , MAE: 3.931205673758865
Features: 15 , MAE: 4.375886524822695
Features: 16 , MAE: 4.2858156028368795
Features: 17 , MAE: 5.041843971631206
Features: 18 , MAE: 4.87872340425532
Features: 19 , MAE: 4.546808510638298

Feature Importance

In [129]:
model = RandomForestRegressor()
feature_imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature' : [], 'Importance' : []})
for i in range(1,10):
    train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
        test_size = 0.3
    for i in range(1,10):, train_outcomes_iq)
        imp = pd.DataFrame({'Feature': data_iq_n.columns, 'Importance':model.feature_importances_})
        frames = [feature_imp, imp]
        feature_imp = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop = True)
feature_imp = feature_imp.groupby(['Feature'])['Importance'].mean().to_frame(name = 'Importance').reset_index()
feature_imp = feature_imp.set_index('Feature')
feature_imp.sort_values(by='Importance').plot(kind='barh', title='Feature Importance - San Juan, Puerto Rico', grid = True, legend = False, color = '#9b0a0a', figsize=(10,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a283f1860>

Updating Features

In [130]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

Grid Search & Cross Validation & Mean Absolute Error

In [131]:
params = {'n_estimators':range(5, 30)}
folds = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(RandomForestRegressor(), param_grid=params, cv=folds, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error')
rf_preds_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
rf_mae_iq = mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, rf_preds_iq)
rf_mdae_iq = median_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, rf_preds_iq)
rf_evs_iq = explained_variance_score(test_outcomes_iq, rf_preds_iq)

Actual vs Predicted Iquitos Random Forest

In [132]:
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Dengue Cases (Iquitos, Peru)')
plt.scatter(test_outcomes_iq, rf_preds_iq, edgecolors = '#1e1e1e', color='#bae1ff', alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([0, 80], [0, 80], 'red', alpha=0.7)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a28681940>]


In [133]:
rf_preds_week_iq = pd.DataFrame(test_features_iq)
rf_preds_week_iq['Actual'] = test_outcomes_iq.values
rf_preds_week_iq['Predicted'] = rf_preds_iq
rf_preds_week_iq = pd.merge(data_iq, rf_preds_week_iq, left_index = True, right_index = True)

Actual Vs Predicted Time Series Line Graph

In [134]:
plot_d = rf_preds_week_iq.assign(residual=rf_preds_week_iq.Actual - rf_preds_week_iq .Predicted)
sns.factorplot(x="year", y="residual", hue="city", size=8, aspect=3,data=plot_d)
In [135]:
plot_d = plot_d.melt(id_vars=['city', 'year', 'weekofyear_x', 'week_start_date', 'ndvi_ne', 'ndvi_nw',
       'ndvi_se', 'ndvi_sw', 'precipitation_amt_mm', 'reanalysis_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k', 'reanalysis_dew_point_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k', 'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k',
       'reanalysis_relative_humidity_percent', 'reanalysis_tdtr_k',
       'station_avg_temp_c', 'station_diur_temp_rng_c', 'station_max_temp_c',
       'station_min_temp_c', 'station_precip_mm', 'total_cases', 'month',
       'odd_year_x', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_mean_rolling_avg',
       'ndvi_ne_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_nw_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_x',
       'ndvi_sw_rolling_avg', 'precipitation_amt_mm_rolling_avg',
       'reanalysis_tdtr_k_rolling_avg', 'station_avg_temp_c_rolling_avg_x',
       'station_max_temp_c_rolling_avg_x', 'station_min_temp_c_rolling_avg',
       'station_precip_mm_rolling_avg', 'ndvi_se_rolling_avg_y',
       'reanalysis_avg_temp_k_rolling_avg_y', 'weekofyear_y',
       'reanalysis_max_air_temp_k_rolling_avg_y', 'odd_year_y',
       'reanalysis_min_air_temp_k_rolling_avg_y','residual'], var_name='type')

sns.factorplot(x='week_start_date', y="value", hue="type", data=plot_d, size = 6, aspect =3)
plt.title("Actual vs Predicted for each year")
Text(0.5,1,'Actual vs Predicted for each year')

Final Model Submission

In [136]:
rf_preds_final_iq =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(
In [137]:
submission_iq = data_test_iq[['city', 'year', 'weekofyear']].copy()
submission_iq['total_cases'] = np.round(rf_preds_final_iq).astype(int)
In [138]:
frames = [submission_sj, submission_iq]
submission = pd.concat(frames)
submission.to_csv('rf.csv', index = False)

One Hot Encoding (Adding Dummies) with KNN

We will encode categorical integer features using a one-hot aka one-of-K scheme. we use one hot encoder to perform “binarization” of the category and include it as a feature to train the model. A 1 in a particular column will tell the computer the correct category for that row’s data. In other words, we have created an additional binary column for each category.

Refferred to:

Creating Dummies

In [139]:
sj = data_sj.copy()
sj_dum = pd.get_dummies(sj, prefix=['weekofyear', 'month'], columns=['weekofyear', 'month'])
sj_dum = sj_dum.drop(['city', 'week_start_date'], axis=1)

iq = data_iq.copy()
iq_dum = pd.get_dummies(iq, prefix=['weekofyear', 'month'], columns=['weekofyear', 'month'])
iq_dum = iq_dum.drop(['city', 'week_start_date'], axis=1)

test_sj = data_test_sj.copy()
test_sj_dum = pd.get_dummies(test_sj, prefix=['weekofyear', 'month'], columns=['weekofyear', 'month'])
test_sj_dum  = test_sj_dum.drop(['city', 'week_start_date'], axis=1)

San Juan

In [140]:
train_features_sj, test_features_sj, train_outcomes_sj, test_outcomes_sj = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

reg = Pipeline([
  ('feature_selection', SelectFromModel(LinearSVC(penalty="l2"))),
  ('classification', KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 4, weights = 'distance'))

reg =, train_outcomes_sj).predict(test_features_sj)
print(mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_sj, reg))


In [141]:
train_features_iq, test_features_iq, train_outcomes_iq, test_outcomes_iq = train_test_split(
    test_size = 0.3

reg = Pipeline([
  ('feature_selection', SelectFromModel(LinearSVC(penalty="l2"))),
  ('classification', KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 4, weights = 'distance'))

reg =, train_outcomes_iq).predict(test_features_iq)
print(mean_absolute_error(test_outcomes_iq, reg))

Why did we did not use dummies?

  1. We received a better margin of error using KNN (our best model) without dummies on Driven Data
  2. We could have worked more on optimizing this but due to time constraints we could not

Comparision of Models

In [142]:
algs_mae = pd.DataFrame({'San Juan': [knr_mae_sj, xgb_mae_sj, dt_mae_sj, rf_mae_sj],
                      'Iquitos': [knr_mae_iq, xgb_mae_iq, dt_mae_iq,rf_mae_iq]},
                      index=['KNN', 'XGBoost', 'DecisionTree', 'RandomForest'])

algs_mdae = pd.DataFrame({'San Juan': [knr_mdae_sj, xgb_mdae_sj, dt_mdae_sj, rf_mdae_sj],
                      'Iquitos': [knr_mdae_iq, xgb_mdae_iq, dt_mdae_iq,rf_mdae_iq]},
                      index=['KNN', 'XGBoost', 'DecisionTree', 'RandomForest'])

algs_evs = pd.DataFrame({'San Juan': [knr_evs_sj, xgb_evs_sj, dt_evs_sj, rf_evs_sj],
                      'Iquitos': [knr_evs_iq, xgb_evs_iq, dt_evs_iq,rf_evs_iq]},
                      index=['KNN', 'XGBoost', 'DecisionTree', 'RandomForest'])
In [149]:
print("Mean Absolute Error")
print("XG Boost has the lowest MAE")
Mean Absolute Error
XG Boost has the lowest MAE
San Juan Iquitos
KNN 9.547511 3.776723
XGBoost 7.587810 4.195427
DecisionTree 13.921697 4.415130
RandomForest 12.363722 3.748872
In [150]:
print("Median Absolute Error")
print("Random Forest has the lowest MDAE")
Median Absolute Error
Random Forest has the lowest MDAE
San Juan Iquitos
KNN 4.527511 2.253439
XGBoost 4.557379 2.438111
DecisionTree 6.000000 2.133333
RandomForest 4.732143 1.727273
In [151]:
print("Explained Variance Score")
print("Decision Tree has the best Explained Variance Score")
Explained Variance Score
Decision Tree has the best Explained Variance Score
San Juan Iquitos
KNN 0.853981 0.497566
XGBoost 0.930455 0.582080
DecisionTree 0.677907 0.439068
RandomForest 0.749952 0.548072

Let us visualize this and see how the models compare to each other.

In [143]:
plt.title('Mean Absolute Error Comparison')
plt.ylabel('Mean Abs Error')
Text(0,0.5,'Mean Abs Error')
In [144]:
plt.title('Median Absolute Error Comparison')
plt.ylabel('Median Abs Error')
Text(0,0.5,'Median Abs Error')
In [145]:
plt.title('Explained Variance Score Comparison')
plt.ylabel('Explained Variance Score')
Text(0,0.5,'Explained Variance Score')

Thank You

Best Model: KNN (Score: 19.4533)